
Although I originally studied Fine Art, photography has become a passion. My camera goes everywhere I do. Some of my best images come from spontaneous moments, and the unexpected – simply documenting what I see on my travels, and taking mementos.

I ‘collect’ images all the time, and as I live in the UK, many of them are found in it’s northern cities and landscapes. Nature, colour, evocative images and a strong sense of atmosphere are what interest me most. My ideas often have strong narrative undercurrents, and are influenced by archetypal imagery and symbolism often used in songs, poetry and stories, including folk and fairy-tales.

I rarely set out with fixed expectations, preferring the thrill of the treasure hunt and genuine moments of surprise – but occasionally, I will make a special trip to get some research on whatever interests me at the time. Some of my photographs are also used in making screen prints, depending on how well they correlate to the kind of images I make as an artist. In this way, the two disciplines overlap and complement each other.

© Izzy Verena